Friday, 18 October 2013


The term “content marketing” sounds like a hip buzzword to describe the latest marketing craze, but in reality, the concept has been around since the first newsletters came rolling off the presses.
“Content marketing is an umbrella term encompassing all marketing formats that involve the creation or sharing of content for the purpose of engaging current and potential consumer bases.” Simply, content marketing informs your audience.  The best content shows readers something that they’ve never seen before.  It surfaces information that readers find helpful.

Content marketing also educates.  It shows readers how to think about a topic.  Done right, content marketing establishes an approach for considering a product, service, or topic.

Example of content marketing started out as a tool to help people understand and do more with their money, so it has a leg up on many other financial services sites. Mint Life, linked to from the Education section of, is a community where most of the content (versus the tools) resides.
The format is a visually attractive three-column blog format, and Mint isn’t afraid to use color and graphics. The page has space for recent tweets, articles and links to the Mint Life Guides and its popular Facebook page. Articles are readable and relevant, creatively addressing topics that run the gamut of personal finance concerns: Foodie Vacations on the Cheap, 5 Incredibly Stupid Things Consumers Do Online, or Choosing a Broker (a compelling infographic).
The site also continues to evolve with the times and remains relevant with its target audience; for example, it has a free mobile app to help customers keep track of their finances while they are on the go.


1 comment:

  1. Improving the ability to "attract" is what modern optimization is all about. Understand what matters to your audience, craft the content that informs and inspires them to action. Improving that process is optimization - even if it has nothing to do with Google :)
