Friday, 8 November 2013


Back in 2005, when BlackBerry brought instant messaging to the mobile phone, the company was just entering its boom times. While the iPhone was still a gleam in Steve Jobs' eye, BlackBerry's innovations ensured its smartphone joined maple syrup on the list of Canada's biggest exports.
Six years later, in the summer of 2011, as violence engulfed London and spread to Birmingham, Nottingham, Liverpool and Manchester, so effective was BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) at mobilising the rioters that politicians called for the service to be temporarily shut down.
But two years later, it is the users themselves who are pulling the plug.
As demand for BlackBerry handsets fades, the once noisy BBM grapevine is falling silent. Dozens of alternatives have sprung up to take its place, from Facebook and Apple's own-brand instant messaging applications to independent startups such as WhatsApp and Kik (which also hails from Canada).
Free to download and use (although WhatsApp costs $1 a year after the first year), they use the internet to swap text messages, pictures, voice clips, "stickers", and even videos in WhatsApp's case, between most types of phones.
In an attempt to retain its following, BBM was last week released on Android and Apple phones. Despite the competition, the response has been overwhelming, with an announcement that there have been more than 20m downloads. But despite the initial interest, many believe BBM's wider release will do little to save the service.
In this whole mess very good company has lost its main weapon. I mean, there were people who bought a brand new Blackberry phone just to flaunt BBM. And, for now Blackberry totally messed up selling the app and making it available to android and i-Phone. This is like a total shit. 

Personally I felt very bad after the news, So I dont use BBM at all. 
Never will...

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